Saturday, 27 April 2024

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Submit this form (MS Word) (PDF) electronically to
Francisco Machado, Program Chair [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]  

Submitting a paper or poster presentation

The following information is required to submit an abstract:

  • Submission Title
  • Abstract describing the content (250 words maximum)
  • Presenter and Co-Author Information, including affiliation and email address

Maximum size for posters is A0 (841mm wide by 1189mm high) with a “portrait” orientation.


Submitting a symposium or an invited symposium

A symposium includes at least one chairperson and up to 4 presentations, which may include a discussant (optional; i.e., three presentations and one discussant). The chair is responsible for submitting a symposium summary (max. 250 words) and for collecting the abstracts of all the individual presentations (max. 250 words each), which must be submitted together with the symposium abstract. The duration of each symposium is 90 minutes, including discussion.

The following information is required to submit an abstract for a symposium: (see attached form)

  • Symposium Title
  • Abstract describing the symposium (250 words maximum)
  • Chair name, including affiliation and e-mail address
  • Presenter names, including affiliation and e-mail address, and a list of co-authors with their respective affiliation and e-mail addresses
  • Title of each individual’s presentation
  • Abstract of each individual’s presentation (250 words maximum)
  • Discussant’s name and affiliation (optional)

All presenters must register for the conference individually. The registration fee must be paid once the Abstract is accepted for presentation, and before the paper/poster can be included in the Program and book of Abstracts. The deadline for receipt of Registration payment is May 10th, 2018.
Early registration with lower fee ends March 31, 2018.

All papers, posters, and symposia MUST be directly relevant to interpersonal acceptance-rejection.


Relevant Topics Include but Are Not Restricted to:

  • Academic and School issues (See also Teacher acceptance-rejection)
  • Acculturation/Immigration
  • Affectionate communication
  • Applied research/practice
  • Attachment
  • Biological correlates of perceived acceptance-rejection
  • Bridging theories
  • Clinical practice
  • Cognition/Social Cognition
  • Corporal punishment
  • Developmental problems
  • Emotion regulation
  • Emotional and psychological abuse and neglect
  • Ethnicity
  • Family interaction (including parenting styles, marital relationships, etc.)
  • Family violence (other than child abuse & neglect)
  • Father love
  • Gender/Gender differences
  • Intimate partner acceptance-rejection
  • Lifespan perspective
  • Methodological issues
  • Normal growth and development
  • Ostracism/Social exclusion
  • Parental Alienation
  • Parenting education
  • Peer and sibling acceptance-rejection
  • Psychological and behavioral adjustment and maladjustment
  • Psychological and behavioral control
  • Rejection sensitivity
  • Resilience, and Coping with rejection
  • Sociocultural correlates of acceptance-rejection
  • Substance abuse
  • Teacher acceptance-rejection (See also Academic and School issues).


Guidelines for presenters in symposia and parallel sessions

On behalf of the Scientific Committee we are pleased to give you the following guidelines and information:


Guidelines for presenters in symposia and parallel sessions

A time limit of 15 minutes maximum is set for individual paper presentations with a maximum of 5 minutes of discussion following each paper.

To guarantee a smooth flow of the different sessions we ask you to please adhere strictly to the time schedule.

Session chairs must strictly hold to time limits.

The chairperson is asked to coordinate in advance the session with all presenters.

Presenters are asked to be at the designated conference room 5 minutes prior to the beginning of their session in order to download presentations and discuss final procedures.


Guidelines for presenters in poster sessions

Posters will be displayed at _________________

Presenters are asked to stand near their posters to present their contents.

Poster dimensions: 90 cm wide by 120 cm high.


Information - Important Notice

Internet and a limited number of computers will be available during the Congress.

Volunteer students will be available for any information you need.


Guidelines for a Dvd-poster presentation in absentia

To create a DVD for a poster submission in absentia it would be great if presenters would do an audio component in the PowerPoint before converting it to a movie file. By speaking clearly and not too fast, your presentation to people with English as a second, third, or fourth language would derive even greater benefit from the information.

On behalf of the Scientific Committee we are pleased to give you the following guidelines and information:


Guidelines for a poster submission in absentia

You can download a free .exe, Windows Movie Maker. If you wanted to 'loop' your poster you would need to use Movie Maker this way:

1. Convert your powerpoint to .wmv file

2. Download Windows MovieMaker

3. Import .wmv into Windows MovieMaker and add to timeline

a) To accomplish a 'loop' you can import the .wmv multiple times so that the movie is the length you desire

b) E.g., if you have a 10-minute movie and you want your presentation to last 60 minutes, add 6 movies to the timeline

4. Follow the instructions to export your saved and finished movie.

5. Burn your movie to DVD

LINKS turn your PowerPoint into a video AND publish movie in Windows Movie Maker:

Option 1

Option 2