Friday, 26 April 2024

Invited Speakers

Mindfulness for School-Age Children:

BioPsychoSocial Findings of a Three-Year Study

Prof. Victor Carrion

John A. Turner Endowed Professor for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Stanford University. His research examines the interplay between brain development and stress vulnerability via a multi-method approach that includes psychophysiology, neuroimaging, neuroendocrinology and phenomenology. Treatment development that focuses on individual and community-based interventions for stress related conditions in children and adolescents that experience traumatic stress.


Exploring the Benefits of Affectionate Communication:

Implications for Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory

Prof. Amanda Denes

Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. Her research focuses on communication in various types of interpersonal relationships such as romantic relationships, parent-child relationships, and friendships. Much of her work looks at the association between communication in interpersonal relationships and people’s physiological, psychological, and relational health. In particular, she is interested in why individuals disclose information about themselves to others, how they disclose that information, and the effects of such disclosures on individuals and their relationships. 


Ronald P. Rohner, Ph.D.: Deep Structure of the Human Affectional System

Summarizing Six Decades of Research in IPARTheory


Ronald P. Rohner, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. There he is also Director of the Rohner Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, and Executive Director of the International Society for Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection. Rohner has been involved in the cross-cultural study of interpersonal acceptance-rejection for almost six decades. This presentation summarizes information about the pancultural expressions of interpersonal acceptance-rejection as well as information about the pancultural effects of the experience of interpersonal acceptance-rejection.

    International Society For Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection